
How does RxPharmacist Create Study Guides?

You are probably wondering how does RxPharmacist create our study guides? It’s not easy. We dedicate at least 6-9 months to create just 1 of our study guides! This time period is spent on content creation, editing, calling up Board of Pharmacies for each respective state, and ensuring a high quality and up-to-date guide.

Each guide is created by a pharmacy graduate who recently passed their MPJE licensure exam the first time for that respective state or a seasoned pharmacist who recently passed their MPJE licensure exam the first time due to moving and finding another job in the other respective state. We dedicate more time with our pharmacy graduates as they are paired up with pharmacist preceptors that review their work week by week, with a careful eye on attention to detail, accuracy, and outside of the box questions that may show up on the exam. For the pharmacist, we also pair them with a fellow pharmacist that serves as a second pair of eyes in reviewing the content creation for accuracy and attention to details.

After this process, we also get our guides vetted through mostly pharmacy students to serve as our Beta test group to provide feedback and further assist us in creating our study guides.

The reason we focus on pharmacy graduates and pharmacists is to give back in supporting our pharmacy profession. The pharmacy graduates get paid to study which they need to do anyways to pass their board exam and may need financial help during their transition from pharmacy graduate to pharmacist. We support all of our pharmacy graduates with helping them access our network, reviewing their resume, testing their interviewing skills, and more to ensure they are successful in the workforce.

For the seasoned pharmacist, the same applies. They may have a life situation and need to move to another state and find another pharmacist job in that state. We support our pharmacists by giving them the opportunity to write a study guide to support them financially while connecting them with others in our network so they make an easy transition as they move to their new state of practice. We also provide resume, interviewing skills, and connections so they may also be successful in their careers.

As you can imagine the process is tedious and is meant to be symbiotic with always creating a win-win-win. The pharmacy graduate/pharmacist wins in financial support and job assistance, RxPharmacist wins in getting a new study guide to market to further support more students and pharmacists, and you win in getting a high quality guide. The end product is an affordable, high-quality, and up-to-date pharmacy test-prep study guides so you can pass the first time!

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