

Pharmacists, pharmacy students, and dedicated supporters banding together in disrupting the pharmacy test-prep industry


If at first you don’t succeed, try again!

My path to success began with unfathomable pressure and consequently, failure. Remember – if at first you do not succeed, try, try again. After failing my NAPLEX twice I reached out to one of my former professors from pharmacy school

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Those Darn Allergies

Picture this: you see someone. They’re sneezing. Their nose is runny. Their eyes seem to be watery, and they keep rubbing them like they’re itchy. If you thought to yourself, “That person could use a hanky”, well you’re probably not

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Pharmacy Advice for Pregnancy and Lactation

Are you taking medication? Are you pregnant? Are you pregnant AND taking medication? These are important questions to consider especially for women of childbearing age as medication use during pregnancy is quite common. Per the CDC, 9 out of 10

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