

If at first you don’t succeed, try again!

My path to success began with unfathomable pressure and consequently, failure. Remember – if at first you do not succeed, try, try again.

After failing my NAPLEX twice I reached out to one of my former professors from pharmacy school for advice. I needed new study material and support to try again. Having recently being introduced to RxPharmacist, she recommended I email them to see if they could help. I reached out as suggested and after one phone call with the founder of RxPharmacist I had been offered the opportunity to write a study guide for my upcoming AL MPJE and receive study help for my next attempt at passing the NAPLEX.

I was given access to professional medical writers that could guide me through writing the Alabama Pharmacy Law Review and a practice exam to go with it. My preceptor/editor helped me learn the ins and outs of medical writing and editing. I felt the steep learning curve, but I worked hard and got the job done. My editor and the founder supported me throughout the writing process, and I learned the best way to write a guide and the questions necessary for the practice exam. After completing the guide and the practice exam, I got to build the online course. With my love for informatics, building the online course was my favorite part of this experience.

As part of this opportunity, I have also been part of the RxPharmacist “How to Get a Job” series where the founder teaches how to network effectively, craft your resume, compose your cover letter, prepare for an interview, and negotiate salary once you receive the job offer. This information has been invaluable to me, and I cannot thank RxPharmacist enough for allowing me to be a part of this educational series.

I have been given access to law and NAPLEX study materials, instructed in the intricacies of medical writing and editing, and the nuances of getting a job. With support of RxPharmacist behind me and the confidence to do what needs to be done I can get my license and my dream job.

The path to success has many turns and speed bumps, but with the right support and self-confidence you will reach your destination.

-Spring 2024 Intern, Lipscomb University

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Constant source of support and encouragement- RxPharmacist Internship Testimonial

During a career pivot I found myself in need of guidance and support. It was during this uncertain time that RxPharmacist emerged as a great mentorship opportunity, offering invaluable assistance that not only honed my writing skills but also influenced my professional journey. Their commitment to my growth was evident throughout my entire internship. RxPharmacist provided unwavering support and guidance, serving as a mentor during this pivotal stage of my career. During my internship I was encouraged to think outside the box and explore creative approaches to creating medical education. This resulted in new points of view, new thought processes, and unique learning opportunities outside of the traditional learning methods. RxPharmacist not only recognized my potential as a medical writer but also challenged me to push the boundaries of my capabilities, resulting in projects that were both impactful and engaging. These realizations transcended the projects completed, positively impacting my engagement with both clinical and industry connections and opportunities. I appreciated the autonomy they gave me during my projects while always being available for questions. This benefited my skills to work independently, as well as with a team, applying feedback and collaborating on the most efficient ways to complete objective. RxPharmacist expected accuracy and precision throughout my time with them and their emphasis on thorough research and meticulous editing elevated my writing skills. This standard ensured that every piece of content was the highest quality and integrity.

As I navigated the ups and downs of my career and personal life, RxPharmacist was a constant source of support and encouragement. Their mentorship extended beyond professional guidance, encompassing personal development and well-being. Throughout the internship, I gained invaluable knowledge that has benefited my objectives through my career pivot, as well as the connections I have since made through unique networking channels. I will definitely continue to use, and benefit from, the skills, lessons, and connections I have made through the RxPharmacist internship. Whether I needed advice on navigating career challenges or simply a listening ear, RxPharmacist was always there, offering advice and unwavering support. As I look back on my journey with RxPharmacist, I am filled with gratitude for the invaluable lessons learned and the profound impact it has had on my career and personal growth. Thanks to their mentorship and support, I feel confident and empowered to take on new challenges and explore opportunities for growth. To anyone embarking on a career in pharmacy, I wholeheartedly recommend RxPharmacist as a guiding group to help you on your path to personal and professional success.

The support, learning, and unquantifiable benefits of the RxPharmacist internship will prove to be instrumental in my success getting through this unique period in my life. Although my situation may be untraditional, I believe the resources and opportunities of RxPharmacist would be beneficial to fellow pharmacists in various stages of their career. Whether you are in college, recently graduated, or have experience but would like to change paths, RxPharmacist would be an excellent option for maximizing your career potential. 

-Spring 2024 RxPharmacist Intern, Lipscomb University

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Securing my dream fellowship with the help of the RxPharmacist team!

I was initially captivated by RxPharmacist from the moment I heard about  the prospect of participating in an online internship tailored to my interests. The flexibility to set my pace and customize assignments aligned perfectly with my preferences. RxPharmacist not only acknowledged my interests but went above and beyond, providing enriching work experiences that would resonate in my future endeavors.

Throughout the internship, the unwavering support from RxPharmacist was a cornerstone of my success. The ability to articulate my gained experiences during interviews was a testament to the valuable projects I undertook. Focused on my passion for advertising and promotion, I had the opportunity to engage in projects that not only aligned with my interests but also expanded my horizons into the realm of medical writing.

Becoming an editor for the GA MPJE guide was a crowning achievement, allowing me to contribute significantly to a project of great importance. The mentorship and guidance I received from RxPharmacist Preceptors played a pivotal role in refining my skills and broadening my perspective. The comprehensive learning experience fostered growth, making each task a stepping stone toward professional development.

Thanks to the Preceptor’s support, I was sponsored by this internship to attend ASHP MidYear and I was able to secure a coveted fellowship position at Rutgers, precisely in the area I aspired to be. This accomplishment was a direct result of the skills honed during my internship, showcasing the tangible impact RxPharmacist had on my career trajectory.

In retrospect, RxPharmacist not only met but exceeded my expectations. The internship was not just a learning opportunity; it was a transformative experience that propelled me into a position I had only dreamed of. The symbiotic relationship between my interests, the assignments tailored by RxPharmacist, and the mentorship I received culminated in a success story that I proudly carry into my professional life.

In conclusion, RxPharmacist is not merely a platform for internships; it’s a catalyst for growth, a facilitator of dreams, and a bridge to unparalleled opportunities. I am immensely grateful for the pivotal role RxPharmacist played in shaping my career, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone seeking an internship experience that goes beyond expectations.

-Chaya C., Fall 2023 RxPharmacist Intern

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Perfecting My Medical Writing Skills and Experience with RxPharmacist

I recently completed an internship with RxPharmacist, having learned about the opportunity through my school newsletter. I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for the enriching experience and to provide feedback on the valuable insights gained during my time as an intern.

Prior to joining RxPharmacist, I had completed a rotation with a pharmaceutical company in the scientific communications division. It was during this period that I discovered my keen interest in medical writing. Eager to further develop my skills, I applied for the RxPharmacist internship and was thrilled to be accepted.

Throughout my internship, I had the opportunity to work on editing MPJE guides for three different states. Each guide presented a unique set of challenges as they were formatted differently, and the process of understanding and consolidating pharmacy laws from diverse sources proved to be a valuable learning experience. I discovered that not all states provide straightforward access to their laws online.  Some require additional effort to compile and update the necessary information for the guides. RxPharmacist MPJE guides combine information from all sources in one document for the purpose of assisting users with simplifying their studying process and ensuring they pass their exams from the first try.

One of the most commendable aspects of the internship was the continuous and detailed feedback I received from my preceptor. Their insights were instrumental in enhancing my medical writing and punctuation skills. I appreciated the accessibility of the preceptors, who could be contacted at any time via Slack and were prompt in responding to queries. The one-on-one sessions offered allowed me to clarify instructions and address any confusion. Interns are fully supported by their preceptors who are always available to answer any questions or confusions.

The feedback received after each project draft proved invaluable, helping me identify and rectify errors I was previously unaware of. I learned various techniques on Microsoft Word to maintain consistent formatting and avoid common pitfalls. I honed my paraphrasing skills while simplifying complex pharmacy laws by properly referencing laws and ensuring accurate representation.

Additionally, the internship provided an opportunity to enhance my question creation skills, a task assigned to generate a specific number of questions for each guide. This not only improved my understanding of the content but also contributed to my preparation for the MPJE exam. Looking at the laws of different states through this internship also raised my awareness on similarities and differences of pharmacist scope of practice in different states which can restrict a pharmacist in one state while permit in another.

Other than the projects, this internship also offers free ‘How to find a job’ live sessions during the fall (as well as for summer internship programs) where students can learn proper resume or CV presentation, how to answer interview questions, how to negotiate salaries, and much more. The instructor is available in the session to ask questions, discuss concerns, and practice elevator pitch and interview questions. This program has helped several students find jobs upon graduation and I am excited to use the skills I learned to find a job once I graduate.

Despite the challenges of managing the internship alongside school commitments during the fall semester, I appreciate the understanding and flexibility demonstrated by my preceptor when extensions were necessary. I wholeheartedly recommend this internship to anyone seeking to improve their medical writing skills.

Thank you once again for the invaluable experience, and I look forward to applying the skills acquired during my time at RxPharmacist in my future endeavors.

-Amira H., Howard University

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Securing my dream residency with the help of RxPharmacist

When I began pharmacy school, I didn’t have a clear idea of where I wanted to end up, but I quickly learned that I wanted to practice at the top of my license. I began to entertain the idea of completing post graduate residency training and spent a lot of time early in my didactic career dedicated to studying and excelling in my academics. While this clinical knowledge was valuable, I learned from RxPharmacist that there is more to the transition from student to graduate than just what we study.

RxPharmacist helped teach me about the transferrable skills I should hone to make the transition to residency easier. Not only was the internship itself a unique extracurricular that set me apart from other residency applicants but the timing of the internship itself was so important to my journey. As an intern during the fall semester of my final year of pharmacy school I was employed by RxPharmacist throughout the residency application process, and they made me feel so supported! I was able to obtain a positive letter of recommendation from my preceptor as well. Overall, I think that the RxPharmacist internship helped me match with a great residency program.

Megan P., Fall 2022 RxPharmacist Intern

Northeast Ohio Medical University

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Intern Testimonial- Lifelong lessons, friendships, and wisdom!

My time as a medical writer with RxPharmacist was easily one of the most valuable experiences I’ve had throughout pharmacy school. This internship was instrumental in guiding me through the world of medical communications and provided me with the knowledge to help strengthen my clinical writing and editing skills. The unconditional support I received from my preceptor and mentors facilitated a deeper understanding of the unlimited possibilities and career paths available to aspiring pharmacists. The connections I made during this time will undoubtedly remain lifelong, and the wisdom I received along the way was priceless… I encourage all pharmacy students to apply to this internship and explore a more non-traditional pharmacy path!

Apart from the hands-on writing experience I obtained during this internship, I also participated in RxPharmacist’s employment workshop. As I am currently navigating the transition from pharmacy school to the workforce, I can confidently say this workshop has equipped me with the knowledge and strategies necessary to present myself as a competitive and qualified candidate right out of school. With the advice I received about CV/resumes, networking, and interviewing, I have been able to confidently take on the job search and make solid traction with multiple opportunities. Thanks to RxPharmacist, I am close to securing my dream job as a pharmacist and medical writer!

Danielle G., Fall 2022 RxPhamacist Intern

Nova Southeastern University

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End of our Pharmacy School Journey… What is next?

We come to the end of our pharmacy school journey, and we wonder what’s next? Individuals that have a pharmacy degree have a variety of career options, so being adaptable and well-rounded is very important in life. I have embarked on many different opportunities during my journey through pharmacy school. When I saw the email from my school about the RxPharmacist internship, I immediately wanted to apply. This internship stood out because of its unique opportunities. After completing the internship, I can honestly say that it was incredible and unique.

The RxPharmacist team is filled with individuals that are wonderful and very knowledgeable. They genuinely care about you and want you to succeed. I really enjoyed my time with the RxPharmacist team because, every day, I felt very motivated and excited about the next project or task I was about to complete. Every day I felt like I was truly part of the RxPharmacist team and a real contributing member. I utilized my skill sets, and I am grateful that this internship allowed me to give back to my pharmacy profession. It is amazing the way this internship is set up because it allows you to connect with so many individuals across America. I have learned so much from every single person I encountered and met so many people through this internship that I will never forget. During my internship, I focused on enhancing medical writing and, more specifically, technical writing skills. This internship exposed me to various areas, from pharmacy-related topics to post-graduate transition preparation to new career options. All the projects that I have completed have allowed me to grow as an individual, personally and professionally. I am excited about the future and very thankful to the RxPharmacist team for allowing me to be part of their first-ever fall internship program.

– Dagmara Z. 2022 RxPharmacist Medical Writer Intern

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Too good to be true? An internship program full of a lifetime of learning

After finding out about the RxPharmacist Graduate Transitions Program through my school advisor, I had a strong interest in joining the program. I definitely thought it was too good to be true, to earn income while studying for your boards, but it has truly been a mutually beneficial experience! With a fellowship position already in place, I wanted to join the summer internship to enhance my work experiences and further build my skillset before beginning my fellowship in July. The program is very unique in that it specifically caters to graduating fourth year students and gives them an opportunity to edit or create MPJE/NAPLEX material of the student’s interest. Since I attended pharmacy school in Florida, I had no experience with the Massachusetts MPJE material, but I wanted to be licensed in the state for my fellowship. After editing the Massachusetts guide, I found the whole experience to be very effective and helpful in learning the material. I feel very prepared to take my MPJE exam and pass on the first time easily.

The RxPharmacist Graduate Transitions Program is very flexible and really cares about the success of the intern. I was able to create my own schedule and work on my own time. Throughout the program, I have learned valuable skills through the workshops offered on topics such as LinkedIn and writing effective cover letters through RxPharmacist’s, “How to get a Job Series” program that all interns get free access to. I have also expanded on my previous writing experiences that I know will be very beneficial to my career in the pharmaceutical industry. Another perk of the program is being matched with a mentor to support you through your projects and help you further your professional development. I enjoyed my sessions with my mentor and being connected with other professionals within the pharmaceutical industry. I cannot recommend this program enough, you need to definitely apply!

LeDea B., Florida A&M University

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Stumbling upon a new opportunity to transform and be ready for this new economic climate of pharmacy

I stumbled upon RxPharmacist from a dear friend of mine who kindly forwarded the email she received about their internship programs over to me. I remember taking a quick glance out of confusion then rereading everything as it sounded too good to be true! It turns out I was right, it WAS too good to be true! RxPharmacist has a noble mission of not only helping pharmacy students pass their boards, but also earn some cash in the process. On top of everything, there are optional sessions for career growth, mentorship, and interviewing tips. For me, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity that helped me answer some of my own dilemmas and pursue my true passion. Questions such as should I pursue a regular pharmacist job out of graduation, or can I be able to strive for an entry level position in the pharmaceutical or medical writing industry? After all, the skills you gain here will take you as far as you let them. This internship program by RxPharmacist is designed to help each one of us [the interns] establish a solid foundation that will set us apart in today’s competitive workforce.   

My favorite part about this internship is the flexibility you are given when it comes to balancing your schedule. This is beneficial as I felt that I needed to practice having more of a “work-life balance” and there was no better way of doing so than with a fully remote work environment. RxPharmacist has been doing 100% remote work since 2016! For anyone seeking a non-traditional pharmacy role, this is the way to go as it may help some people realize if this path is even right for them and discover what they truly want out of a job and their life. This is why I highly recommend this internship for anyone seeking to challenge themselves, help future pharmacists, and gain new skills in a relatively short amount of time. Reflecting on my experience, I have learned more about my work and learning styles, as well my inspirations. I am more driven than ever to achieve my goals thanks to this exclusive experience I shared with my mentors and fellow interns. I hope that anyone out there who feels lost or unsure of what the future holds for them after pharmacy school explores this unique opportunity to experience it for themselves.

Shery S., University at Buffalo

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Finding Your Footing After Years of Studies

Many of my peers may agree that we are often pushed and pulled in multiple directions during our education. Encouraged to find our place, we stress on discovering where we best fit in the field of pharmacy. We tend to try to tailor our interests based on the discussions with alumni, interactions with mentors, or academic experiences. However, this is still not enough. We may not immediately enjoy our first experience after earning our long-desired degree. We may regret it. Or we may feel lost if we don’t get the position we thought we’d always hoped for. Or we may feel overwhelmed because we couldn’t choose what we wanted to do. This is where I found myself after graduation. I’m sure I am not the only one who has or will be here too.

Instead of asking “what do I do now”, I changed my thinking into “what CAN I do now”. I reminded myself that I have a world of opportunities to dip into all of my interests. An area that I only had some exposure in was non-traditional pharmacy areas such as medical writing. Hence, I began exploring the roles I could have in this area by asking my classmates who had fellowships or went straight into the workforce, having phone and video calls with professionals with years of experience, and researching what they entailed. I had the pleasure to learn about RxPharmacist from a fellow peer who was an intern with the company right after we graduated. As someone who enjoys creating educational materials and staying updated on healthcare topics, medical writing seemed fitting for me and led me to apply for RxPharmacist. When I was welcomed into the company as an intern, I was happy to find a place where I could improve my proficiency in editing, quality checking, writing, and researching. Moreover, I feel lucky to have a boss and supervisor who has given me guidance in this relatively unknown area of pharmacy and motivates me to never settle for anything less than what is best for me. My mentor and preceptor were a pillar of support who I could share all my goals and obstacles with. They were instrumental in pushing me forward in my career and remain as valuable individuals that I am grateful for knowing. It is thanks to RxPharmacist that I could fully invest in all the interests that I’ve always wanted to.

-Julianne T., 2021-2022 RxPharmacist Graduate Intern

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